I am Kelli Butler.
I am the Opera Geek.
Also known as Her Royal Highness, the Ginger Flame Who Sings Upon the Graves of Her Enemies, Aria-Slinging Mercenary, Actual Bard, She Who Must Be Heard, Overlord of Castle Ravenloft (and also President of the Moon).
I’m here to roll dice, play games, and spread my geeky brand of bardic inspiration throughout the internet.
I’ve become known as ‘The Opera Geek’ across social media platforms because of my involvement in the Dungeons & Dragons, TTRPG, and videogame communities.
In December of 2018, I helped write the College of the Opera bard subclass along with the lovely Hannah Rose. It was released on the DMs Guild, which went into bestseller status within 24 hours and has sold more than 1200 copies. You can often find me barding it up on multiple Dungeons & Dragons streams as a guest, trying out new systems like Invisible Sun, and playing TTRPG for charitable causes on various Twitch channels! I was also part of the R. Talsorian Games official Witcher TTRPG charity game, which featured Doug Cockle (the original voice of Geralt of Rivia) as Geralt, Matthew Mercer (VO actor & Critical Role DM) as Dandelion, Simon Goudreault (WanderingDM) as Zoltan, and myself as Triss Merigold. With the addition of giveaways from CD Projekt Red and many more, we raised over £4000 for Special Effect Charity in the UK!
Since 2001, I’ve also worked on a freelance basis dubbing multiple Japanese animation titles into English. My work includes Boogiepop Phantom (Yoko Sasaoka), His and Her Circumstance (Hiromi Ikeda/Ryoko), Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny (Kyocho), in all three seasons of Queen’s Blade (The Exiled Virgin, Rebellion, The Evil Eye) & the Queen’s Blade OAV Beautiful Warriors as both Aldra & Alleyne, and Aria: The Animation (additional voices).
Much Love,
Support the Arts
I now have a Patreon, where I share behind-the-scenes looks at rehearsals, practice, new song covers, offer Q&A, and my general musings on life in the arts and geek worlds!
I play video games, and can be found guest appearing on several live-play TTRPG twitch streams. Come find me on my channel by clicking below, or keep an eye out on my Twitter for announcements about my upcoming appearances.
You can support my streaming through Streamlabs here.
You can also purchase #OperaGeek merchandise through my Merch Store !
Contact & Appearances
The OperaGeek is always on the lookout for opportunities to work within the video game, ttrpg and streaming communities. If you’d like her to make a guest appearance on a stream, a convention or have a collaborative project in mind, please use the form to get in touch.